United States Series Shakers
By the U S Glass Company
Summary of Known Patterns
At the turn of the century, one hundred years ago, the U S Glass company issued a series of patterns named after the states. This area of the AGSSSC Web Site addresses those patterns and shows pictures of the salt shakers for those known. In many cases, there were more than one shape salt shaker made for each pattern. The shape shown is that for which pictures are now available. The web master would welcome additional pictures to add.
There are 50 states in the Union but 5 were not states when the patterns were issued – leaving 45 possible. If only one was issued for the Dakotas, Virginia, and the Carolinas it leaves only 42 possible.
4 State Patterns are unknown at this time. (Arkansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, Rhode Island)
This leaves 38 known.
3 State Patterns were issued before and some do not count them. (Dakota, Idaho, Montana)
2 Of these 3, The shaker shape is not known except for Dakota
Pictures of 36 State Pattern Salt Shakers are shown: the 35 “accepted states” plus Dakota.
Following the pictures is the article about the US States Shakers written about 10 years ago and revised more recently by Carole and Bob Bruce (the information above is a very brief summary of that article. Also at the end of their article is access to a recent find that augments the Bruce’s research.

Alabama, Clear

California, Emerald Green

California (Repro), Amber

Carolina, Ruby Stained

Colorado, Cobalt Blue

Colorado, Ruby stained

Colorado, Emerald Green

Connecticut, Crystal

Dakota, Etched Crystal

Florida, Emerald Green

Delaware, Emerald Green

Delaware, Rose Stained

Delaware, Crystal/Rose

Georgia, Crystal

Illinois, Crystal

Indiana, Gold Decorated Crystal

Iowa, Crystal

Iowa, Large, Crystal

Kansas, Crystal

Kentucky, Crystal

Louisiana, Crystal

Maine, Crystal

Maryland, Crystal

Massachusetts, Crystal

Michigan, Decorated Crystal

Michigan, Maiden’s Blush, Stained.

Minnesota, Crystal

Missouri, Emerald Green

Nevada, Crystal

New Hampshire, Maiden’s Blush, Stained

New Hampshire, Crystal

New Jersey, Ruby Stained

New York, Emerald Green

New York (hotel), Crystal

Ohio, Ruby Stained

Oregon, Crystal

Pennsylvania, Crystal

Pennsylvania, Large Crystal

Tennessee, Crystal

Texas, Crystal

Texas, Maiden’s Blush, Stained

Utah, Crystal

Vermont, Emerald Green

Vermont, Decorated Ivory/Custard

Virginia, Maiden’s Blush, Stained

Washington, Decorated Crystal

Wisconsin, Crystal

Wisconsin, Crystal

Wyoming, Crystal

The States, Crystal

A very rare unlisted 4-piece Alabama Condiment Set
in a glass base all in emerald green

A comparison of the condiment shaker with an Alabama crystal shaker.