Sugar Shakers

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OMN: #4305 AKA: 12 Panel Scroll


Maker: Mt Washington/Pairpoint Corp.
References: Mt.Washington and Pairpoint Glass Wilson V1 and V2

Shaker has 12 flat panels, surrounded with scrollwork on both the top and the bottom.

Decoration: Usually Hand Painted Florals, may be found with other decors. The windmill decors are called different names. Brown is Vandyke, Green is Moscow, Blue is Delft.
Shape: Panels Scrolls
Colors Known: Tinted Opalware
Size: 5″ T x 2.5″ W
Date/Era: ca. 1894-1903
Submitted By: J.Rogers lk2024
Special Comments:

Shakers found with decorations other than florals or Windmills could have been specially made for Private Occasions.
A catalog image of this shaker can be found in the print book Mt. Washington Pairpoint Glass by Kenneth Wilson.
Brown decor is called VanDyke
Green decor is called Moscow
Blue decor is called Delft
Red decor is called Brunswick
