Sugar Shakers

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OMN: Beet AKA: Fig


Maker: OMN: Beet AKA: Fig
References: Lechner 2 p. 140, 147, 273;, V3 Issue 2.

Lobed bulb, as in a fig or garlic clove; fine vertical striations. pointed, spring-fingered metal cap. Can Also be found with a rounded bent stem lid, which Lechner called Disguised Fig.

Decoration: Hand painted Florals and color washes
Shape: bulb lobe fig garlic
Colors Known: Clear, Clear cranberry; opaque white, translucent yellow
Size: 2.47″ T x 3.52 center
Date/Era: ca. 1893
Submitted By: Smith lk2019
Special Comments:

Design patented by Albert Steffin in 1893, No. 22,781. A online catalog image of this shaker can be found at, V3 Issue 2.
