Condiment Sets

Search Condiment Sets

AKA: Inverted Thumbprint, Maralyn


Maker: Unknown/Speculated Bohemian
References: Lechner 3 p.107

A 4 piece Condiment set consisting of 2 shakers, a cruet and a mustard. The bottles are durl mould blow and have an interior IVT Pattern, and taper down from a rounded Shoulder.

Decoration: Hand Painted Floral designs
Shape: barrel IVT Floral
Colors Known: Transparent blue shading to Clear
Size: unknown
Date/Era: ca. 1887-1891
Submitted By: Rogers lk2020
Special Comments:

These glass pieces for these sets were purchased by the silverplate companies to market to the consumer. Sets can be found in various Silverplate Manufactures frames.
